Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You thought you were sore?

Today I went and did my daily workout, and stretching, and boy-oh-boy am I feeling it! Even getting out of the car and walking up the driveway is a challenge. 

Also, if you're going to do a dead-lift, please, by all means make sure that you have the form right!

I didn't use the dead-lift lift much when I was lifting a few years ago, but when I started CrossFit I was using the dead-lift--a lot. 

Nonetheless, I'm not so sure that I have perfected the art of its technique. You'd think that it wouldn't be too difficult of a concept for someone who has been lifting for 3 years consistently; well, for the most part consistent. 

Anyhow, today was a good day at the gym. And yes, I am more sore than I was yesterday. However, I do feel a bit like this Meme when I woke up this morning...

I have a feeling I will be reminding myself of this Meme tomorrow morning. 


8 Min. Warm up on treadmill @ fast pace

Bench Press: 3 Sets of 8-10 Reps of moderate weight

400 Meter Row @ fast pace: 3 Sets
(Alternate Bench Press and 400 Meter Row to keep heart rate up)

"Tree-Huggers": 3 Sets of 15-20 (Obviously this is not the correct terminology, but when I was taught this technique, no one told me the correct wording. You sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, then bend slightly with your back straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together while you bring the dumbbells up and down. You move as if you are "hugging a tree.")

Skull Crushers: 3 Sets of 15-20 with EZ-Bar 

Dumbbell Row:   3 Sets of 10-12

Lat. Pull Down: 3 Sets of 10-12

Planks: 30 Sec. Middle, 45 Sec. right and left side, 35 Sec. Middle


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