Sunday, August 4, 2013

Work outs and progress

Sometimes, you just have to come up with your own workouts to keep it fresh, you know.

10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
25 Butterfly Sit-Ups
15 Kettle Bell Swings
>>20 minutes AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

I saw this meme and it made me chuckle, so I had to post it.

Lately, I have been diligently working on my different Olympic Lifting techniques - inspired by a particular injury of mine. I have been taking my form more seriously these days.

I'm basically trying to start from scratch

Last week, I relearned the art of the power-clean form. 

Before focusing on relearning the Power-Clean, it had been months since I had even attempted a Power-Clean. Luckily, my husband and I have a few friends who were able to work with me. One of our friends, fortunately, has an entire CrossFit set-up in his garage.

So awesome.

It's a great kind of atmosphere to learn, make mistakes, and get the personal attention that I know that I needed in order for me to perfect my lifting form. 

Now, the Power-Clean may seem like a less than complicated lift, but in my book, there's much more to it than I remembered. 

After two good, long sessions of working on my form, I was able to Power-Clean 115 lbs. That may sound like a 'weak-sauce' weight, but for someone who hasn't been 'cleaning' for more than 6 months, cleaning more than 90% of my own body weight is something that I consider to be an improvement. 

Thankfully, I have some patient and encouraging friends to work with me. 

Next week, I will see what weight I can put up, and also how well this form can improve. 

Workout (from yesterday):
3 Dead-hang pull-ups (no kipping allowed)
10 Kettle-bell swing
10 kettle bell snatch (each arm)
16 Kettle-bell lunges
100 Jump Rope
>>>5 Rounds(cannot exceed 25 minutes)
Workout courtesy of my loving husband...

Then, Power-Clean form until I reached 115 lbs.

Tomorrow, is a different story. 
Bring it on.

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