Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Drop the weight

Today I woke up at the butt-crack-of dawn to get to the gym before my daily commute, and hit it hard. After my workout, I did something that I haven't done for awhile, I weighed myself.

Now, there's a reason I don't weigh myself, but rather measure myself because it's inches I'm looking to lose, not necessarily weight. Also, because even though I'm in better shape, the weight may not be what I "think" it should be simply because "muscle weighs more than fat. 

Anyhow, when I was out in North Carolina my weight got up to 147 LBS. No, I do not enjoy informing people about that weight, nor do I enjoy typing it, but because I have made some lifestyle changes, I am now--drum roll please--down to 132 LBS

It's taken awhile, and I'm still not where I want to be--in regards to my overall fitness--but it sure is encouraging to see results, and it's only been about 3 months!

So, the proof is in the puddin'; you don't need supplements or diet pills, all you need is determination, a healthy diet, and consistency; And when you have that... You see results.

The way we live should be based off of our own pure will and sheer determination to strive towards the life that we imagine that we can attain. 

Solid reminder.

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