Thursday, March 7, 2013

March challenge update

OK, so apparently drinking 1 gallon of water per day makes you pour, literally pour, sweat. I cannot even begin to express to you, through my writing, how many strange looks I get at the gym after running an 8 minute HITT training on the treadmill due to the amount of sweat that is dripping from my body.

I'm happy to see that my body is hydrated, but my goodness! I can't be without a towel, that's for darn sure.

Anyhow, my March challenge has been really hard, due to one factor, mother nature. If all of you ladies can feel with me here, I'm not sure what it's like when "mother nature" makes its monthly visit to you, but my-oh-my do I ever crave chocolate, and it is the biggest challenge just to get my bloated butt to the gym; however, I can honestly say that my bloated butt and I went to the gym.

My gallon of water was harder to drink today, mostly because I was so darn busy, but also because I wasn't thinking of it like I have been. Nonetheless, I only have 1/4 of my gallon left, so it shouldn't be long before it's gone.

As for the "no carbs" portion of the challenge, not easy. I am going to my in-laws this weekend, and my mother-in-law makes the world's BEST gluten-free chocolate chip cookies that you will EVER have in your entire life! I'm not kidding, the BEST gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. I think I could write an entire blog post about my love for my mother-in-law's cookies. Not even kidding. So, now that you know about my slight obsession with my mother-in-law's gluten-free cookies; she also makes the best gluten-free carrot cake, and pistachio cookies... OK, so she just rocks at gluten-free baking--in general.

Because I am heading there this weekend, and I know that she made those devilishly delicious cookies... I am going to need some prayer. Seriously, a lot of prayer. Those cookies speak to me in my sleep sometimes. Alright, so maybe that's a little far fetched, but I do crave them; especially when mother nature is visiting. 

Other than my slight obsession for cookies, not eating ANY carbs has been pretty darn difficult. I can honestly tell you that I have not cheated, but I have definitely thought about it. I was at a local co-op today and they had some delicious gluten-free breads, crackers, and many of the foods that I am cutting. They even had gluten-free apple pie and donuts; Come on!

Nonetheless, I conquered my cravings and I will continue to meet my challenge, and then eat a piece of delicious-carby-goodness in April when I see my husband. I know you shouldn't reward yourself with food, but I'm a firm believer in celebrating with it; you don't celebrate everyday, or do you?

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